Welcome to the website of the Phené Philanderers Cricket Club
The club was founded in 1968 in the Phené Arms, the old public taverne in Phené Street, off Oakley Street, in Chelsea, and the connection between club and pub has persisted through the years.
The pub, renamed The Phené in 2010, is one of the oldest in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. It was built in 1850 for Dr John Samuel Phené LLD, the celebrated Victorian eccentric and world traveler, who came to the notice of Queen Victoria for his campaign to plant trees in the streets of London and whose family owned a large part of Chelsea until the late 1940s. His more deplorable eccentricities are today faithfully perpetuated by the Phené Philanderers Cricket Club.

The club is a wandering one with no home ground, playing some fifteen fixtures per season in England, in addition to the occasional tour abroad, e.g. Phené Triumph in Corfu. Most fixtures are in the Home Counties: see the Phené World Map.
New players are always welcome. To get in touch please click the link below our logo on the right.
On this website you can find match results from 1969 onwards listed by year and opponent, together with tables of the best partnerships and Individual batting and bowling performances.
The Phené pages on ECB Play-Cricket show scorecards and statistics from 2002 to 2011, plus a few entries in recent years where our opponents have filled in the details. From the 2017 season we shall use the ECB Play-Cricket features for administration and communication.